Gas and electricity are interwoven in the fabric of our everyday lives. We use them to cook, watch television, and shower. However, they can also prove to be unexpectedly dangerous. 

Due to the nature of gas and electricity, it is very easy for them一 should they come in contact with an ignitor一 to explode. These electrical and gas explosions can wreak havoc upon you and your loved ones. Besides inflicting damage to your workplace or home, they can cause injury or even death. 

Electrical and gas explosions are much more common than you might think, and Shea & Shea are experts in helping you and your loved ones receive the compensation you deserve. 

Causes of Catastrophic Explosions

The causes of gas explosions versus electrical explosions may be different, but the ease at which they can occur is the same. Explosion accidents are often caused by human error, equipment failure, or negligence. 

Causes of Gas Explosions

A gas explosion occurs when oxygen and a natural gas (methane, propane, etc.) meet an ignition source. Whether it is a frayed electrical wire, stovetop burner, or cigarette butt, a gas explosion can take place in a fraction of a second.

A workplace is more likely to see gas explosions because there is typically a large quantity of gas on the premises. These explosions can be caused by negligence: unsuitable gas storage, worker neglect, and general risky working conditions can all lead to unintended consequences. 

Ensuring employee safety while at work is the responsibility of the employer. If you and your fellow employees were not properly informed of basic gas handling or the gas was not regularly inspected and maintained, you may have cause for compensation. Losing potential work hours and pay because your workplace needs repair or you may need medical attention as a result of employer negligence has an undeniable impact on your daily life.

Gas explosions that occur in the home can often be traced back to an installation mistake or a product defect. Neither of these mistakes is the responsibility of the homeowner, and should you receive extensive damage to your home or injury, compensation can help cover the costs. Shea & Shea has qualified attorneys ready to help you in your time of need.

Causes of Electrical Explosions

One of the biggest concerns, when an electrical explosion happens, is a subsequent fire. Electrical fires can spread quickly and endanger the entire house or building, along with everyone inside. 

Electrical explosions are often caused by:

  • Wiring

Defective or old wiring is a major concern when it comes to electrical safety. In the workplace, your employer should oversee regular inspection and maintenance of all the wiring in the building. As businesses use more and more electricity as they expand, it becomes increasingly important to make sure the wiring is up to code.

  • Faulty outlets

The safety of the outlets and wiring are closely related. Both should be inspected at the same time and with the same degree of attentiveness. A large percentage of electrical explosions and fires are connected back to faulty outlets.

  • Cords

Extension cords can be problematic if used for long periods of time. They are meant to be used in the short-term, not as a permanent solution. Frayed or overheated cords can lead to overheating. If your place of work has been habitually using cords in this manner, and it leads to an electrical explosion or fire, you could be entitled to recompense.

  • Appliances

Relatedly, appliances and their cords are a major source of electrical issues leading to explosions or fires. If appliances in your home have defective cords, mechanical parts, or switches, the culpability for subsequent damages lies with the manufacturer. In a working environment, your employer should always keep appliances updated.

Why An Explosion Accident Lawyer Can Help You

Nobody anticipates having an explosion in their work or home, let alone receiving extensive damage from it. Professional explosion accident lawyers, like Shea & Shea, will fight for what you deserve. 

Injuries From An Explosion Accident

Many people do not realize what they are owed in situations like these. However, injuries can have a severe impact on your life, and you deserve compensation for that. Injuries from an electric or gas explosion can include:

  • Damage to ears
  • Damage to eyes
  • Severe burns
  • Lung damage
  • Blast injuries
  • Soft tissue damage
  • Psychological damage
  • Internal organ damage
  • Concussions and brain damage
  • Broken bones
  • Permanent disability
  • Death

Injuries sustained from an explosion are serious and often require longer-term care compared to other cases. The cost of medical care is not only very expensive but also time-consuming. Recovering from injuries such as these takes time; being off from work means income is lost unfairly. Very rarely will parties responsible independently offer to justly compensate, and that is where Shea & Shea can help.

What You Could Be Owed

Depending on your specific case, you may be entitled to:

  • Payment equal to wages lost during recovery
  • Compensation for costs to repair property or item damage
  • Payment of medical expenses incurred by the explosion
  • Payment for trauma sustained by the explosion
  • Funeral costs and lost projected income from death

It can take years to recover from explosion injuries. Therefore, it is very important that you are properly compensated. Preventing electrical or gas explosions is the responsibility of employers and manufacturers, not ordinary people.

Shea & Shea Can Help

Shea & Shea are recognized professionals in our field. To date, we have numerous victories in our roster as well as having won millions for our clients. We always put our clients first and will do our best to clinch you a victory. 

An explosion is a traumatic event and it can be tough to know what to do next. We have both the knowledge, experience, and resources to help you move forward.  Call Shea & Shea today to set up a consultation.

Other Services We Offer:

Catastrophic Injury
Brain Injury
Spinal Cord Injury
Loss of Hearing
Los of Vision
Back Injury
Wrongful Death
Birth Injury
Pediatric Injury
Amputation Injury
Burn Injury

Areas We Serve:

San Jose | San Francisco | San Mateo | Santa Clara | Contra Costa | Alameda | Solano | Sonoma | Napa | Marin | San Diego

Shea & Shea - A Professional Law Corporation 2007 West Hedding Street
San Jose, CA 95128

P.: 408-292-2434
Fax: 408-292-1264
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