If you or a loved one has recently suffered an injury that has resulted in memory loss, it’s essential to get in touch with a legal team that can advocate for you during this difficult time. 

Injuries that lead to memory loss (temporary or permanent) are extremely stressful for both the victims and their families. These injuries can cause permanent disability, prevent victims from being able to work, and cause significant relationship stress (if the victim can no longer remember friends, family, or their partner). 

Continue reading to learn more about what a memory loss attorney can do for you or get in touch with Shea & Shea to schedule a consultation with a seasoned memory loss legal professional. 

San Jose Closed Head Injury Lawyer

Injuries That Result In Memory Loss 

Memory loss can occur from a number of different injuries, including the following: 

  • Car accidents (resulting in traumatic brain injuries or concussions)
  • Pedestrian or cyclist accidents
  • Brain tumors 
  • Lack of oxygen to the brain 
  • Brain surgery
  • Medical malpractice 

Types of Memory Loss 

There are four primary types of memory loss that a person may experience. 

These include: 

  1. Memory loss due to trauma. This may be because of a car accident, physical assault, or other accident which resulted in a blow being dealt to the head.  
  2. Memory loss due to a TBI or concussion. Injuries that result in concussions or TBIs usually result in short-term memory loss following the accident. 
  3. Memory loss due to brain damage. Brain damage to the hippocampus can result in permanent memory loss as well as issues with forming new memories. 
  4. Memory loss due to retrograde amnesia. Retrograde amnesia means that memories made prior to the accident are lost. This type of amnesia may be long or short-term and is quite traumatic for both victims and their loved ones as they may no longer be able to remember who people are or remain in their field of work. 

Benefits of Hiring a Memory Loss Injury Attorney 

Benefits of enlisting the assistance of a professional memory loss attorney include: 

  • You have a knowledgeable professional who can advocate for you during this difficult time. 
  • Memory loss injury attorneys know everything that should be included in the requested settlement sum. 
  • Attorneys that specialize in memory loss understand the legal playing field surrounding memory loss cases. 
  • Memory loss legal professionals can help you get the quickest resolution to your case. 
  • Working with a memory loss attorney ensures that you don’t bear the entire stress and legal burden of your situation.  

Find a Memory Loss Lawyer You Can Trust 

Shea & Shea has been hard at work since 1966 helping victims of catastrophic accidents recover and stabilize following their injury. 

Our legal firm employs a team of highly skilled, empathetic, and professional attorneys and staff who are ready to help you overcome legal obstacles and find comfort following your injury.

If you are looking for a seasoned team of memory loss attorneys, get in touch with Shea & Shea to schedule your first consultation (free of charge) with one of our legal staff.

Areas We Serve:

San Diego | San Jose | Oakland

Shea & Shea - A Professional Law Corporation 2007 West Hedding Street
San Jose, CA 95128

P.: 408-292-2434
Fax: 408-292-1264
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